Paws For Treats: Building the Cat-Human Bond

When our furry buddies of ours are showered with love and cuddles – নম। – Magic is produced and oh those very delicious little piece of food known as Cat treats. My tabby, Mittens, would stride across smoldering coals for a whiff of that crunchy goodness. Well, these beautiful pearls can unite a cat and human. These are like some kind of magic key that unlocks the door to training options. The littles winning such power — what a marvel. Read more information here : 

Modern cat parent knows that the game is not just about opening a can of tuna. Enter stage left: cat treats! Unlike snacks to make one look more haughty, they are tools that may help your whiskered friends learn some sweet new moves or habits. Ever attempt to teach your cat to give a high five? Let me tell you, treats are what buys you that performance. My friend attempted once with her cat without them. Let’s just say that was the first and last time she tried to haggle on her own without the help of tasty bribes.

Now, while these might get a person to do acrobatic feats, they are more basically a way to relate. Imagine a typical night in: You’re settled in, as comfortable as you can be, and your cat strolls by, by chance seeking a snack, and you toss it a treat — it’s one of those moments: shared joy.

Your cat loves the treat, but you value the bonding that happens between you. With each treat you toss, you’re welcoming your cat into a little oasis of safety and love.

Training your little furball can feel like teaching a camel to tap dance sometimes. With some of the right treats though, it’s less a battle and more a dance! Housetraining, for instance. My tabby finally learned to stay off the kitchen counters. The secret sauce? Of K9R and a dose of k9f. It turns out that even cats are aware of incentives — as long as there is something in it for them, of course.

Well, the skeptical cat owners of the world would say, “Cats pretty much train themselves.” Let’s be real, cats are bad boys and girls; they do their business when they feel like it (and it includes your pad and new couch as vital as claws). But consistent rewards can tilt the scales, causing once rogue behavior to fall in line. Patience, sprinkling in a few more kitty candies usually does the job. Have you ever noticed how your cat always follows you wherever you go when there are treats? Your own little fuzzy shadow.

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